Old HPC clusters retire in December 2016

All work nodes on old HPC cluster Slotnick will be powered off on Feb. 27, 2017. The headnode will be powered off on March 27. Users shall terminate running jobs by Feb. 27, and backup their files on the old HPC cluster by Match 27.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IT help desk (X2910) and request to be assigned to "Research Programming" category and "Research Programming" queue.

Request new HPC cluster account

User account for the new cluster obsidian may be requested by contacting IT help desk (X2910), or click this link to make request online. Once account has been created, use your University Username and password to login. The cluster domain name is obsidian.indstate.edu.

Linux and Mac users are recommended to use ssh to access obsidian. Windows users may download and install putty or xshell to access obsidian. Windows user may also need to download and install winscp to transfer file between your Windows workstation and obsidian cluster. Windows 10 users can also use Ubuntu Bash Shell to connect to ssh.

Got to Account and Login section to watch videos on how to access HPC.